Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Minnesota to Allow Hunting of Wolves

It appears that Governor Mark Dayton and the Republican Legislature have agreed to a massive environmental bill that includes the hunting of gray wolves in Minnesota.  Hunting will be allowed once the wolves are removed from the endangered species list, which will happen later this year. 

A snippet of the bill:

Sec. 51. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 97B.645, subdivision 9, is amended to read:
114.10    Subd. 9. Open season. There shall be no open season for gray wolves for five years
114.11until after the gray wolf is delisted under the federal Endangered Species Act of 1973.
114.12After that time, the commissioner may prescribe open seasons and restrictions for taking
114.13gray wolves but must provide opportunity for public comment.

If you don't want to see this portion of the bill accepted by the legislature then start writing to your representative now.  To find out who represents your district use the district finder by clicking HERE and scroll down to enter your address, city, zip.  The names of your representatives will appear.


  1. Congratulations on this very worthwhile site. What criteria means that they - the wolves - will be taken off the endangered species list?

  2. Thank you!

    The wolves must exist at a minimum number of 1600 or more to be considered for removal from the endangered species list. Minnesota has 3000 wolves but whether that number equals a recovered species is debatable.

    Here is more information on what is happening here in MN:
